Dr. Danilo C. Lachica 

Mabelle Dela Cruz 
Business Lead 


Sofia Pereña 
Business Lead 


Charina Morales 
Business Lead 


Cris Bael 
Associate Business Lead 


Claude Abe 
Industry Analyst 


Marizol Calinagan
Industry Analyst 


Jade Dayag

Industry Analyst 


Rose Duazo 
Industry Analyst 


Mary Tayag

Industry Analyst


Marcus Tayas 
Industry Analyst 


Oscar Pardenas

Industry Analyst


Princess Caraca  
Finance Staff 


Nathalie Castillo  
Finance Staff 


Analin Lozano


Accounting Staff


Perci Blancaflor 


Leila Guinto


Mark Renoblas 
IT Admin 


Gyle Loreto 
Cebu Office Admin 


Yolanda Punsalan 
Consultant – HR & Admin 

1. Association of SEIPI People Advocates (ASPA)Mary Tayag 

2. Association SEIPI Finance Executives (ASEFEX) – Analin Lozano 

3. Association of SEIPI Logistics Managers (ASLM) – Mary Tayag 

4. Association of SEIPI Purchasing Managers (ASPM)Claud Abe 

5. Association of Electronics and Semiconductor Companies for Safety, & Health, Environment Professional (AESSEP)Cali Calinagan

6. Association of SEIPI I.T. Executives and Professionals (ASITEP)Marcus Tayas 

7. Asset Protection Professionals of SEIPI (APPS)Leila Guinto 

8. Association of Semiconductor and Electronics Manufacturing Engineers of the Philippines (ASEMEP) – Rose Duazo 

  • ASEMEP ESD Council (AEC)Rose Duazo 
  • ASEMEP Quality & Productivity Council (AQ&PC)Rose Duazo 
  • Council for Failure Analysis & Reliability (CFAR) –  Oscar Pardenas
  • Semiconductor and Electronics Training Council (SETC)Claude Abe


  1. Industry 4.0 Technical Working Group (TWG) – Rose Duazo
  2. Power TWG  
  3. IC Design TWG 
  4. Wire Harness Cluster – Rose Duazo 
  5. Sector Skills Council (SSC)  
  6. Parts Localization 
  • NWCs act as the platform for benchmarking and exchanging of ideas. 
  • There are monthly NWC Meetings and active e-groups which can facilitate exchange of information and advice on best-known practices in their respective companies. 
  • SEIPI provides learning centers for NWCs use and assigned coordinators to implement its activities and initiatives. 

One of SEIPI’s objectives is to strengthen the global competitiveness of the industry. Through the NWCs, SEIPI organizes a wide variety of training programs geared to the current needs of members. 


The eight (8) Networking Committees are: 

  1. AESSEP Association of Electronics and Semiconductor for Safety and Environmental Protection 
  2. ASEFEX – Association of SEIPI Finance Executives 
  3. ASEMEP – Association of Semiconductor and Electronics Manufacturing Engineers of the Philippines 
  4. ASITEP – Association of SEIPI Information Technology Executives and Professionals 
  5. ASPA – Association of SEIPI People Advocates 
  6. ASPM – Association of SEIPI Purchasing Managers 
  7. ASLM – Association of SEIPI Logistics Managers 
  8. APPS – Asset Protection Professionals of SEIPI 

Technical Working Group 

SEIPI creates different Technical Working Groups (TWGs) to address members’ priority issues and concerns and represent the industry in public fora. 

  1. The Power TWG is a group of experts from our member-companies that aims to address power/energy issues, government law and policies, updates and concerns of the industry. 
  2. The Tax TWG is a group of experts, mostly from ASEFEX, which discusses the tax-related matters, such as implications of the TRAIN/CITIRA/CREATE Bill on the semiconductor and electronics industries.
  3. This TWG also provides data to support SEIPI’s position papers concerning tax reform, such as local spending of electronics companies, which directly contribute to national economy. 
  4. The Industry 4.0 TWG is a group of industry experts from SEIPI’s Engineering and Information Technology NWCs. Its goal is to drive the industry to be in step with the Fourth Industrial Revolution and develop guidelines to assist member companies to implement IR 4.0. 
  5. The Wire Harness Cluster TWG is a group of service providers and end-users formed by SEIPI as an emerging electronics sector to understand the business challenges with the increased demand in the sector.
  6. The IC Design Cluster TWG consists of industry and academe members in the growing IC Design industry. IC Design will move the semiconductor sector up in the global value chain. The establishment of an IC Design Training Laboratory will expedite the training of faculty, students, and engineers in integrated circuit verification, layout, and design.
  7. The SEIPI Sector Skills Council, formed under the A Future that Works (AFW) project in partnership with the Philippine Business for Education (PBEd), and Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), aims to address the mismatch of jobs and skills to ensure the competitiveness of the electronics industry by developing the skills roadmap and implementing the business development plan. 

Membership Committee 

Roles and Responsibilities: 

  1. Recruit new member companies with their respective primary focus (MNC’s). 
  2. Screen and approve the application of new members. 
  3. Recommend SEIPI membership policy guidelines. 

The Office of the President, the Management Committee (Mancom) and the operations team compose the main working group of SEIPI, tasked to implement its various plans and programs. The goal is to make SEIPI the benchmark industry organization by enabling and driving efficient and effective professional business services and solutions from SEIPI members and its key stakeholders. 

The President plans, leads, organizes and implements industry actions on important issues, with the view of strengthening the sector and helping it to sustain the growth it has achieved through the years.