Message from the Chairman
Our industry remains to be a significant driver of economic growth and Foreign Direct Investments (FDI). We take pride to be one of the biggest job generators in the Philippines, employing 3 million direct and indirect workers, which we consider our most valuable assets.
The Philippine semiconductor and electronics industry has successfully overcome the challenges brought about by the COVID pandemic and achieved annual growth of 7%, reaching record exports of US$ 49.09 billion. These milestones proved our industry’s resilience amidst global and national challenges.
SEIPI is the leading organization of Philippine semiconductor and electronics companies that have world-class capabilities in manufacturing components that serve as the backbone of digital transformation and other advanced technologies, including innovations that enabled people around the world in adapting to the new normal. They design and produce complex integrated circuits, components, and electronic modules of the highest quality standards found in modern vehicles, smartphones, computers, medical devices, wearables, production machinery, and other various innovations that help improve and transform billions of lives across the globe.
We help our members in enhancing the business environment, networking with fellow members, undertaking projects with several partners here and abroad, promoting ease of doing business, and addressing industry concerns that we are able to accomplish due to our strong partnership with key government agencies. We also work on initiatives to support members in their technology adoption requirements, strengthen industry-academe linkages, and help our communities and country in times of need through our CSR efforts.
We gladly welcome anyone whose interests align with our goals to join our growing organization. We can become stronger and achieve more success together.
Thank you very much!
Chairman and CEO, Gruppo EMS, Inc.
Chairman, SEIPI

Message from the President
After focusing on recovery in 2021, the Philippine Semiconductor and Electronics Industry was able to sustain its growth in 2022, thanks to the strong spirit and camaraderie among our industry members and steadfast partners.
The industry reached an all-time record of US$ 49.09 billion in exports in 2022, a 7% annual growth from 2021, and 13% higher than the pre-pandemic exports. The industry remains to be the top commodity exporter in the Philippines, accounting for 62.3% of the country’s total commodity exports, and a significant economic and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) growth driver.
Despite this outstanding export performance and the easing of pandemic-related restrictions and challenges in 2022, the industry faced various regulatory issues. Right after the national elections, SEIPI set up meetings with the new administration’s leaders to voice the industry’s concerns, especially on the high operating costs and difficulties with the Ease of Doing Business (EODB), in order to enhance our country’s competitiveness and attractiveness to foreign investors. The invaluable assistance of DTI, PEZA, ARTA, DOLE, and TESDA, our government partners who have helped us in the resolution of concerns, such as the continuance of the work-from-home (WFH) arrangement for non-production departments, imposition of Value-Added Tax (VAT) on constructive exporters and manufacturing support functions, and supply chain-related concerns, including the logistics delays caused by the implementation of the Ban on Firearms and Controlled Chemicals during the national elections.
SEIPI and our Technical Working Groups (TWG) on Industry 4.0, Parts Localization, IC Design Sector, and Electric Wire Cluster, pushed forward to achieve our goals in line with the electronics roadmap and the industry’s aim to lessen our dependence on importation, with the support of our government partners such as DTI and DOST. Our Networking Committees, as well as the VisMin (Visayas and Mindanao) and North Luzon chapters worked on projects, addressed their specific local concerns, and organized webinars on workforce development. SEIPI likewise pursued significant projects with its academe and international partners.
Another important milestone was the staging of the 17th Philippine Semiconductor and Electronics Convention & Exhibition (PSECE) after a two-year interruption. The PSECE featured 211 local and international booths, including its first-ever Academe Pavilion, as well as 10,172 visitors and delegates. The country’s premier electronics event highlighted the digital transformation capabilities of our members and partners, and job fair, and the industry’s important role in the country’s economic recovery during the pandemic.
SEIPI opened the year 2023 by co-organizing a US business mission at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, then at Silicon Valley in California, with the DTI, DOST, DICT, and PEZA, to promote the industry’s capabilities to the world, explore investment opportunities, and learn advanced products and emerging technologies. We have likewise ramped up our efforts to pursue critical advocacies and initiatives, organize hybrid and in-person events, and develop new partnerships, to help the industry reach greater heights.
God bless us!
President, SEIPI